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Sue Darrison,M.A. has been an acclaimed teacher at Babies First Class® since 2003. She is best known for her twins/multiples classes. She was mentored by Babies First Class® owner and founder, Jackie Rosenberg, and has worked closely with her to develop a dedicated twins/multiples adaptation of the Babies First Class® curriculum.

Born in 1964 in Johannesburg, South Africa, Sue earned her Bachelors and Masters degrees in Child Development from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa before moving to Los Angeles in 1987. She gained accreditation as a Preschool Director at UCLA and taught kindergarten at Hillel Hebrew Academy in Los Angeles for four years. After teaching kindergarten, she spent three years working as Hillel Hebrew Academy's Early Childhood Director.

Sue resides in Valley Village, California, with her husband and six children (the middle two children are identical twin girls). In addition to raising her children full-time and her teaching activities, Sue is also active in several philanthropic and school-related endeavors. Sue has counseled other parents on separation anxiety and figures that she has at least 10 years to develop a course on empty nest syndrome!